Pharmacy Team


Kirsty Gillen

Pharmacy team Health board pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are becoming more involved in the care of patients in General Practice. Having the pharmacy team working in our surgery provides valuable medicines support, a close link with our community pharmacy teams and allows our GPs to focus their skills and time where they are most needed for patients who have more complex needs.

Who are our pharmacy team?

The pharmacy team are: Kirsty Gillen and a number of support colleagues who work remotely from a hub.

What does the pharmacy team do?

  • Provide expertise on day-to-day medicines
  • Give advice for patients taking multiple medications
  • Carry out medication reviews and other medicines-related support, including discussing side effects
  • Give help for patients with their medicines following a stay in hospital, particularly if there has been a change in regimen
  • Answer medications and prescription-related questions
  • Produce prescriptions
  • Support managing patients’ long-term conditions, such as high blood pressure

When you may get an appointment with one of the pharmacy team

Our pharmacists can provide telephone and face-to-face appointments. The pharmacists, pharmacy technicians or the doctors often review some or all of your medicines and may want to talk with you about the medicines you are currently taking. In the practice we like to review your medicine at least once a year, or more often if needed.